Georgia Citizen Panel to Fine Companies Who Don’t Follow State’s New E-Verify Law

GA E-Verify Examined A new Enforcement Review Board, made up of volunteer citizens will examine complaints from registered Georgia voters about public bodies’ failure to use either the E-Verify system or the federal Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements database.

This state-sanctioned panel was established in the wake of Georgia’s new immigration and E-Verify law and may threaten Georgia mayors, county commissioners and even business-license clerks with $5,000 fines if found failing to comply with the new law, which took effect on July 1, 2011.

Made up of non-paid members appointed by Governor Nathan Deal, Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle and David Ralston, speaker of the House of Representatives, the board will have the power to cancel state funding of public agencies it finds have willfully violated the law and levy fines against governments and even individuals. Governor Deal says the panel will begin working in January, 2012.

Beginning in January, the new law requires almost all Georgia companies to use the federal E-Verify system to confirm their employees’ legal eligibility status. Since July 1, the law has required state entities to E-Verify employees and contractors.

Read more in this Bloomberg Article.